Learning a new language is always tough, but English is especially difficult. Those who don’t grow up speaking English often want to learn it because it is one of the most used languages in the world. In fact, over 1 billion people speak English around the globe. Along with this, an estimated 380 million people claim English as their native language. Many countries are teaching their children to speak it in school. Here’s everything you need to know about adult English language classes.

Benefits of Speaking English
The benefits of speaking English include:

  • Employment
  • Additional study opportunities
  • Access to more art and entertainment
  • Travel

Many companies are in business with countries that speak English, including the United States, Australia, the UK, South Africa, Canada, and New Zealand. Companies that do business with English-speaking countries may require employees to speak the language to communicate effectively.

Study Opportunities

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An estimated 1 million international students attend colleges and universities in the United States. Many of these students are from countries that don’t speak English natively. If you’re planning to attend school in the United States, you’ll need to be able to read and understand English to learn. Consider taking English classes from the UCEDA school before starting your college program. That way, you’ll have a command of the English language and will be able to learn well.

Art and Entertainment
Art and entertainment presented in the English language are admired around the globe. Popular movies, music, and television shows are often in English. You’ll have more access to the arts and entertainment when you speak English comfortably.

Countries in which English is the native language are popular destinations. Travelers enjoy visiting the United States, Australia, and England. In fact, in 2019, the United States welcomed around 79 million travelers from other places. Travel is much easier and more enjoyable when you can communicate effectively with a country’s locals.

Take ESL classes from us at the UCEDA School. Our teachers are professionals and will help you develop your English reading comprehension, conversational speaking, and written abilities.

Tips for English as a Second Language

learn english

While there are countless benefits of speaking English, the language is challenging and complex to learn. Here are a few tips for learning English. Consider:

  • Setting goals
  • Taking ESL classes
  • Studying English vocabulary
  • Talking to people in English
  • Listening, watching, and reading English media

Setting Goals
Keep in mind that learning a second language doesn’t mean you have to become fluent in it. When you decide to learn a language, it can take you to different ability levels that will serve you at various degrees of your studying or overall career.

For instance, you can become an effective English speaker even if you just become comfortable with conversational English. Also, you may learn how to read English well but struggle to verbalize and develop sentences when you’re engaging in a casual conversation. However, in this case, you would have the skills you need to communicate in English as your second language.

When you start learning English, decide how proficient you want to be in the language and make it a goal. Is it your intention to become fully fluent, or will you be set to becoming comfortable speaking English conversationally? You can also decide just to learn basic English expressions.

Regardless of your English language learning goals, setting them before you begin your English classes may help you stick to them.

Studying English Vocabulary
Increasing your English vocabulary knowledge will help you with your ESL classes. Learning vocabulary will help you participate in conversations, discover new topics, and gain a better understanding of the written language.

Vocabulary will help you understand contextual cues when you’re participating in a conversation or reading something in English. This is especially true when you’re away from your comfortable areas of understanding in English. You’ll need to study to learn how to speak and read English.

Speaking English
A beneficial language learning technique is to ask someone to be your conversation partner. You could ask another student or a friend who is a native speaker to be your chatting companion. Having a comfortable conversation in English with other people who speak the language will help you in your ESL courses and overall English-speaking abilities.


learn english

Consuming English media often may help you form a comfortable understanding of the English language. People have learned how to speak English on their own by watching English-speaking sitcoms all day or talk shows.

Other media options include reading books that are written in English, listening to radio stations, and watching movies. Media can help you expand your vocabulary since you’ll be hearing unfamiliar words that you may need to research to understand. Listening to and reading English media can help you improve your sentences.

Is It Hard to Learn How to Speak English?
If you’ve started taking English classes and are struggling, here are a few possible reasons why.

1. In English, people have to memorize the spelling and pronunciation of a word rather than having the option to figure it out according to other similar words. For instance, you’ll have to know that a word, such as “weird,” is spelled using “ei” instead of “ie.”

2. There are vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation differences in countries that speak English. In fact, there are all of these differences between different regions within an English-speaking country.

3. Determining the right word and syllables to emphasize when you’re forming a sentence can be tricky. If you make a mistake, then the meaning of the sentence may change.

Every language features elements that make them tricky. Also, every language has elements that are easy for people to learn. The amount of difficulty that you face learning the English language depends on if your native language has anything about it that’s similar.

When languages are similar, they might be easier to pick up. For instance, French and Spanish use the same lettering system as English. However, some languages read from right to left, use more symbols or have rules that make learning English more challenging.

Generally, the essential factors on whether you’ll be able to learn the language are dedication and incentive.

Take Adult ESL Classes
Some people teach themselves how to speak English, but this is a difficult path. It will likely be easier for you to learn the language when you’re in a classroom with other students.

ESL instructors will assist you as you’re learning and will likely help you improve your conversational abilities with classroom discussion groups or class activities.

English as Your Second Language
English courses will help you make English your second language. At UCEDA, we hire skilled teachers and offer classes at different levels so that you can start learning from your current English language skill level. To contact us, call us at (702) 586-3131.

english classes